As I wrote before some time ago I had a small personal project shooting my friend Sebastian as a possible advertising for local Golf club. And now I would like to share with you the “making of” process.
At first I’ve chosen “the golden hour” to shoot at. As much beauty this time gives as fast it goes away. So I had to work pretty fast to make everything right. I’ve started to take HDR (high dynamic range) panoramas around the club and looking for the best spot on a golf field. Every HDR shot in panorama was mixed from 5 images in HDR Efex Pro software and then stitched together in Autopano Giga.
The last location I liked he most for this particular shot and we started to make some lighting tests with Sebastian.
My set-up was quite simple: I’ve used two Speedlites as a main light in front of the subject and one more from behind as a back light. All the strobes were without any modifiers.
This is what we’ve got: raw image from camera. At this point both images (background panorama and golfer) don’t look very nice. Time to go to Photoshop and make some magic 😉 And now the real work begins. I must say that time I’ve spent in PS is double to the actual shooting. But it was worth it.
1. I’ve cut out the golfer and put him to the background.
2. Then I worked with the background: contrast, color correction, sharpen, adding air balloon.
3. And at last I worked with our subject: contrast, sharpen, lights and shadows, color correction and adding a shadow to the grass.
Originally in my previous post I did another composing of the subject and one of my followers on Instagram Ilya Leshchenko noticed that it could look a bit better if I would make it different. I agreed and so i did 😉
Hope it was helpful for you guys. I will be glad to get your comments on this. Cheers.